HOME ED 101 Information
The next Home Ed 101 class will be Saturday, August 1st! Time and Location are TBD. See the calender for more details. Go to the calendar to register for the class. The cost for the class is $15.00.
This is a class for new homeschool moms (those still in the research phase, 1st and 2nd year homeschool moms, and even some veteran homechooling moms who feel they may benefit).
The class includes basic information on beginning the homeschooling journey.
Topics include:
*So you decided to Homeschool, now what?
*Choosing Curriculum
*Organizing Your Time/What does a typical day look like?
* Planning Your Year
*Testing & Evaluations
*Avoiding Burnout
* And More!
Facilitated by seasoned home school moms!
If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or call 910.215.4024.