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Winter Wonderland Middle School Semi-Formal

indicates a required answer

HOME "Winter Wonderland" Middle School Semi-Formal Dinner and Dance

Saturday February 1, 2025 - 5:30-9:00pm

Stokes Family Farm White Barn- 3674 Ivy Road Greenville 27858

Please read and fill out this Semi-Formal Information Form in it's entirety. This form must be completed for your Semi-Formal ticket to be valid. We are limited to 70 attendees for this event. Your student will not be placed on the guest list until BOTH the completed Semi-Formal Information Form and payment have been recieved.

Ticket prices are as follows:

HOME Members $40

Non- HOME Members $50

When you complete and submit this form you will  be able to purchase your ticket. If you have any questions concerning the Semi-Formal Information Form or the payment process, please contact Jessica Burdette at [email protected].

1. *

Name of Attendee:

2. *

Age of Attendee:

3. *

Name of Parent/Guardian:

4. *

Parent/Guardian phone number:

5. *

Parent/Guardian email address:

6. *

Are you a current HOME member?

HOME Code of Conduct

While not an exhaustive list, below are HOME’s expectations and guiding principles for appropriate behavior at all HOME sponsored events. These are put forth in an effort to honor HOME’s Mission, Statement of Purpose and Statement of Faith.

These policies apply to all HOME members and any guests they may bring to a HOME sponsored event. Therefore, HOME members should be sure their guests are aware of HOME policies and standards. If anyone is in violation of these codes, HOME Leadership reserves the right to ask them to leave HOME events for any reason they deem appropriate.

Romans 12: 9-11 “Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.”

All members and guests of HOME are expected to conduct themselves in the following manner while at HOME sponsored events:

Treat fellow HOME members with respect and dignity.

Show respect for those in authority of HOME: Board of Directors, HOME Leaders and HOME Teachers.

Dress appropriately and modestly: please do not wear offensive graphic t-shirts. Please refer to the dress code policies for specific HOME groups and events.

If you have been hurt or offended by someone in the group, HOME encourages you to go directly to them in the spirit of peace and speak to them in love. Seek reconciliation. Do not gossip within or outside of the group. If in doubt about how to handle something go to the leadership for guidance.

The following behaviors are NOT acceptable while at HOME sponsored events:

· Inappropriate public displays of affection

· Cheating

· Plagiarism

· Disruptive behavior

· Profanity

· Theft

· Fighting

· Bullying

· Willful damage of property

· Use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or any vape products

· Purposeful personal injury

Refrain from being intoxicated while at HOME sponsored events.

It is expected that no alcoholic beverage be served during a HOME sponsored event.

HOME believes that God immutably creates each person as either male or female. Members are expected to conform their conduct and dress to reflect these beliefs.

All members of HOME are to use the appropriate restroom for their biological sex at all HOME events. Children being accompanied by a parent may use the restroom of the parent biological sex. HOME defines biological sex as, 'the chromosomes and genitalia you are born with'."

HOME expects parents to immediately address inappropriate attitudes/behaviors by their child(ren). This should be done in private, away from the rest of the group.

HOME has the right to terminate membership from the group for any reason deemed appropriate by the Board.

This Statement of Faith and Code of Conduct does not exhaust the extent of HOME’s beliefs. The Bible itself, as the inspired and infallible Word of God that speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind. The Board reserves the right to disallow or revise activities/logistics and clubs/organizations that violate principles or would not be in the best interest of the group as a whole on a case-by-case basis.



While it is not necessary to accept all these beliefs in order to be a member of HOME, we ask that you respect that this is the foundation of the group, and as such, all meetings, activities, and events will be conducted in a manner to reflect these beliefs (i.e., teaching, scripture reading, and prayer).

All those serving on the HOME Board must agree to, sign, and adhere to this Statement of Faith and Code of Conduct.

All those serving in HOME leadership positions, including but not limited to Representatives, Advisors, Administrators, Directors, and Teachers must agree to honor this Statement of Faith and Code of Conduct and act accordingly in their respective position.


7. *

The Attendee has read and agrees to uphold HOME's Code of Conduct while at the Semi-Formal.

In addition to the HOME Code of Conduct, we ask that attendees uphold by the following rules while at the semi-formal.

1. Dance Etiquette and Behavior
No body against body
No groping
No provocative movements

2. Attendees are not allowed to go outside the venue unless specifically directed by chaperones. All students will be signed in at the beginning of the event and signed out at the end of the event.


8. *

The Attendee was read and has agreed to uphold the above rules specific to the semi-formal.

9. *

I understand that if a student is in violation of the Code of Conduct while at the semi-formal their parent/guardian will be contacted to come and get them and no refund will be issued.


Dress Code
Please note that if your student’s dress/outfit does not meet the rules listed below they will be denied entry with no refund. If you are unsure whether your student is in compliance with the dress code please send a picture of the attendee in the dress/outfit to Jessica Burdette at (910)215-4024.

When deciding on a dress/outfit, please keep in mind that semi-formal attire is like something you would wear to a special event at church or to a wedding.

Dresses may go no higher than 2 inches above the knee
No slits in the back or sides of the dress can go higher than 2 inches above the knee
Dresses need to be modestly cut in the front and in the neckline. Please no plunging necklines.
Dresses may not be backless.
No 2 piece outfits that expose the midriff.
No undergarments may show.
No strapless dresses or tops.
Shoes are required.

Dress pants, button-up dress shirt and tie or bow tie are required.
No sagging pants are allowed. Please use a belt if necessary.
Suit coats/jackets are preferred but not required.
Shoes are required.


10. *

The Attendee and Parent/Guardian of the Attendee have read the Dress Code and agree to adhere to it.